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Lynete Vanderbuilt replied to Faye Roderick's topic in Silly Snakes
Lynete Vanderbuilt replied to Nikki Walker's topic in Silly Snakes
Looks like new activities are coming...Who's going to sign up? I will
Bull J. Johnson
What activities?
Lynete Vanderbuilt
REmember My Last and Miss/Mister HOL
Jenzi Darkstone
Oh Lynete, I'm so glad you mentioned these. I don't often actually look at the HOL forum, I just come to the Dungeons. So thanks for the tip-off, I'll definitely be entering Miss HOL.
Lynete Vanderbuilt replied to Prof. Lorelei Lovegood-Snape's topic in Silly Snakes
Lynete Vanderbuilt replied to Ivy Mizanin's topic in Silly Snakes
Lynete Vanderbuilt replied to Nassa Dikaios's topic in Silly Snakes
Lynete Vanderbuilt replied to Lynne Fantome's topic in Silly Snakes