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The Slytherin Dungeons

Lynete Vanderbuilt

Slytherin Student
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About Lynete Vanderbuilt

  • Birthday 11/01/1993

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Lynete Vanderbuilt's Achievements

Grass Snake

Grass Snake (1/11)

  1. Not really, I can't sing very well. TWBM loves camping.
  2. Looks like new activities are coming...Who's going to sign up? I will :p

    1. Bull J. Johnson
    2. Lynete Vanderbuilt

      Lynete Vanderbuilt

      REmember My Last and Miss/Mister HOL

    3. Jenzi Darkstone

      Jenzi Darkstone

      Oh Lynete, I'm so glad you mentioned these. I don't often actually look at the HOL forum, I just come to the Dungeons. So thanks for the tip-off, I'll definitely be entering Miss HOL. :)

  3. Not this time ;P Jenzi?
  4. Nope ^.^ Lively Vera?
  5. Not this time ;D Hm, let's go with mega awesome Alice.
  6. Luna - Snape + Fred 70 Snape 67 Luna 37
  7. Usually I don't, but I make the exception for the Oscars. TWBM speaks three languages.
  8. Reporting for duty! Yes, this is Lynete. How about extraordinary Alice?
  9. I am not Vera, but fabulous... Just kidding. I'm guessing wonderful Alice.
  10. Nope I'm guessing Vera!
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