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Puzzle Exchange - Logic Puzzle

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Tarma was hunting down different SQL 2018 members; she wanted to give them a surprise. In what order did she give the surprises, to whom did she give them, how much did they cost and what colour were they?

1. The present given Arianna cost 2 sickles more than the blue present. Of the gold present and the one given to Katelin, one cost 10 sickles and the other was given out first.

2. The present handed out third cost 15 sickles. The green present cost 3 sickles more than the present given to Katelin.
3. Will's present didn't cost 11 sickles. The present which cost 12 sickles was given out before the one which cost 14 sickles. Arianna's present was red.
4. The present which cost 15 sickles is more expensive than the one given to Arianna. Neither the purple present or the one costing 14 sickles is what was given to Emma (who got her present third).
5. The purple present was given out last. The present given to Silas cost 11 sickles.  Arianna received her present before Emma or Will.

10 scales (September 2018)

Send me your answer in a Dungeon PM titled: Puzzle - Presents

Puzzle solved by:

Professor Cody Lewis 5 scales (September 2018)

Will Lestrange (September 2018)

Arianna Stonewater 5 scales (September 2018)

Arnora Eleniel 5 scales (September 2018)

Khaleesia Marie Lilith 5 scales (September 2018)

Emma Borg 5 scales (September 2018)

Professor Scarlet Leslie-Lewis 5 scales (September 2018)

Anna Snape 5 scales (January 2020)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Five members of HOL (including Katelin) have booked vacations to Europe during the first five months of 2019!
They each plan to visit a different European city (including Tirane) during a different month for a different number of days.
Match each HOLer with the month, length, and city of their vacation!

1. Will will go to Skopje.  Will will leave 1 month after the HOLer with the 4 day vacation.
2. Scarlet won't leave in January. The HOLer going to Lisbon will leave for the 4 day vacation.
3. The HOLer with the 9 day vacation will leave 3 months after the HOLer going to Madrid.
4. Emma is either the person leaving in March or the HOLer with the 5 day vacation. The HOLer with the 6 day vacation will leave 1 month before the person going to Lisbon.
5. Tarma will leave 2 months after the HOLer with the 7 day visit. Of Tarma and the person going to Oslo, one will leave in May and the other will leave for the 4 day vacation.

Send me the solution via Dungeons PM with the subject line:  Cities!

(September 2018)


Prof. Tarma Amelia Black 5 scales (September 2018)

Emma Borg 5 scales (September 2018)

Katelin Ross 5 scales (September 2018)

Prof. Scarlet Leslie-Lewis 5 scales (September 2018)

Iverian Gnash 5 scales (April 2019)

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  • 2 months later...

Five HOLers graduated from the Auror Academy in a different month of 2018 (between March and July, inclusive).  
Their first assignment was under a different experienced Auror (one was Auror Shacklebolt) in a different department (one was Magical Transportation).  
Match the HOLer to the month of graduation, the responsible experienced Auror, and the Ministry department!

1. Scarlet didn't graduate in July. Tarma graduated 1 month after the HOLer sent to Mysteries. 
2. Marcie graduated in March. The graduate assigned to Auror Potter, the graduate sent to Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, Shiloh and the March graduate were all different HOLers.  
3. Shiloh was either the graduate sent to Magical Law Enforcement or the graduate assigned to Auror Tonks. Of the graduate assigned to Auror Tonks and Marcie, one graduated in April and the other went to Mysteries.
4. Jenny, the HOLer assigned to Auror Savage, and the HOLer sent to Magical Games and Sports are three different HOLers. Shiloh wasn't assigned to Auror Savage.
5. Shiloh didn't graduate in June. Scarlet graduated 2 months after the auror assigned to Auror Weasley.

10 scales (November 2018)

Send me the solution via Dungeons PM with the subject line:  Aurors!



Prof. Jenny Lupin 5 scales (November 2018)

Prof. Scarlet Leslie-Lewis 5 scales (November 2018)

Prof. Tarma Amelia Black 5 scales (November 2018)

Kendra Givens 5 scales (January 2019)

Iverian Gnash 5 scales (April 2019)

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  • 3 months later...

Five Hogwarts students wanted to earn some extra money for the summer holidays. They thought they would make different pastries and sell them (either individually or in lots). Who are the students, how much did they charge for the pastries (one charged 4 sickles), what did each of them make (one of which is cookies) and what was a main ingredient?

1. Neither the person who used strawberries nor the person who charged 8 sickles is the student who made the eclairs. The student who used chocolate put it in croissants.
2. Scarlet charged 1 sickle more than the student who made doughnuts. The student who used vanilla charged 3 sickles more than Cody.
3. Alexander charged 5 sickles. Neither Scarlet nor the student who used strawberries is the student who charged 3 or 6 sickles.
4 Sirius didn't charge 6 sickles. Will is either the person who used vanilla or the person who charged 8 sickles.
5. Alexander charged more than the person who used bananas. Of the student who used licorice and Scarlet, one charged 3 sickles and the other made pies.

10 scales (March 2019)

Send me your answer in a Dungeon PM titled: Puzzle - Pastries

This puzzle has been solved by:

Cody Lewis 5 scales (March 2019)

Professor Scarlet Leslie-Lewis 5 scales (March 2019)

Will Lestrange 5 scales (March 2019)

Alexander Brighton 5 scales (March 2019)

Iverian Gnash 5 scales (April 2019)

Adaleine Shuster 5 scales (April 2019)

Sadie Snape 5 scales (April 2020)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Five current and former HOL professors (one of whom is Wastl Hanfstaengl) decided to fly to a different US city (one of which is New York).
Each professor decided to pack one bag; the bags were all different colours (one bag was pink) and weighed a different amount of pounds.
Match each professor with their destination city, bag weight, and bag colour!

1. Xavier Dalen's suitcase doesn't weigh 44 pounds.  Xavier Dalen's suitcase doesn't weigh 38 pounds.  The bag that needs to go to Atlanta weighs 6 pounds less than Zoki Phantom's bag.
2. The bag that weighs 41 pounds, Ulol Kimil's suitcase, and the suitcase that needs to go to Los Angeles are three different pieces.
Valerian Mandragora's bag weighs 9 pounds less than the piece that needs to go to Los Angeles. 
3. The piece that needs to go to Los Angeles isn't white.  Of the ochre piece and Valerian Mandragora's suitcase, one weighs 35 pounds and the other was supposed to go to Denver.
The heaviest suitcase weighs 47 pounds.
4. The piece that needs to go to Atlanta isn't indigo. The indigo suitcase weighs less than the piece that needs to go to Denver.
5. The luggage that needs to go to Orlando is silver.  The silver bag weighs 6 pounds more than Zoki Phantom's piece. 

10 scales (April 2019)

Send me the solution via Dungeons PM with the subject line:  Luggage!



Prof. Cosmo B. Mott 5 scales (April 2019)

Katelin Ross 5 scales (April 2019)

Iverian Gnash 5 scales (April 2019)

Prof. Tarma Amelia Black 5 scales (April 2019)

Prof. Scarlet Leslie-Lewis 5 scales (April 2019)

Adaleine Shuster 5 scales (April 2019)


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  • 2 months later...

I'm reposting the Emerald Cup logic puzzles here in case anyone else wants to try them. If you have already solved them for Emerald Cup, you cannot receive scales for them again. If you haven't, you may receive scales beginning in September.

Puzzle 1:

A duelling tournament has been organized for Emerald Cup! Heroes and villains who are interested in participating in the tournament are matched up. They must decide on one weapon to use during the duel. Each duel takes place in a different colored arena.

From the clues provided, determine which hero and villain are duelling, their weapon of choice, and the color of the arena.

1. Katniss is facing off against Magneto, but Superman isn’t battling Cersei. Despite his proficiency with swords, that is not the weapon agreed upon for Zorro’s duel. 
2. Five different duels involve Loki, Superman, the one using swords, the one in the magenta arena, and Katniss.
3. Either Yoda or Superman is using a wand. Ursula will be in the amber arena. The duel in the magenta arena will feature lightsabers, not bolas.
4. Cersei is duelling in the turquoise arena, not the grey arena. Neither Superman nor Katniss is battling Bellatrix.
5. Yoda, the one in the violet arena, the one with pistols, Aladdin, and Bellatrix are five different duels. 

(Heroes: Aladdin, Katniss, Superman, Yoda, Zorro)
(Villains: Bellatrix, Cersei, Loki, Magneto, Ursula)

Send me the solution via Dungeons PM with the subject: Duelling Logic Puzzle

Solved by:
Cody Lewis (Emerald Cup 2019)
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black (Emerald Cup 2019)
Astor Arensin (Emerald Cup 2019)
Will Lestrange (Emerald Cup 2019)
Prof. Amy Lupin (Emerald Cup 2019)

Puzzle 2:

In an attempt to prevent Thanos from acquiring all of the Infinity Stones, Doctor Strange is using the Time Stone to send his fellow Avengers to different centuries from the 18th to the 22nd century. Each Avenger will take one of the other five Infinity Stones and hide it in a city in a completely different universe, such as Coruscant.

1. Of the Avenger hiding the stone in Atlantis and the one sent to the 20th century, one had the Mind Stone and the other was Scarlet Witch.
2. The one sent to the 22nd century, the one carrying the Soul Stone, and the one hiding a stone in Hogsmeade are all different Avengers. Captain Marvel didn’t have the Reality Stone.
3. The person who went to Hogsmeade was there one century before Iron Man was sent somewhere. The one with the Power Stone was sent two centuries before the Avenger who went to Gotham City.
4. Hawkeye didn’t go to Rivendell. The person with the Space Stone was sent one century before the Avenger who went to Atlantis.
5. Between the person who went to Atlantis and Black Widow, one had the Power Stone and the other was sent to the 18th century.

Send me the solution via Dungeons PM with the subject: Infinity Stones Logic Puzzle

Solved by:
Will Lestrange (Emerald Cup 2019)
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black (Emerald Cup 2019)
Iverian Gnash (Emerald Cup 2019)
Prof. Amy Lupin (Emerald Cup 2019)

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  • 3 months later...

Fred and George are at it again! They've come up with a Wheeze which they think is hilarious. Statues of different shapes, colours and prices are on the table as you first walk in. People grabbed (and bought) them as they walked into the store, checking, of course, for the price (one cost 3 sickles). Who picked up which statue, what colour was it and how much was it?  (An extra fun fact: at a pre-determined time, each person turned into that statue for 5 minutes!)

1. The statue Katelin bought cost 1 sickle more than the statue Arielle bought.  The jarvey cost 3 sickles more than the statue Emma bought.
2. The fwooper cost 3 sickles less than the statue Jenny bought. The green statue was either the piece Arielle bought or the fwooper.
3. The crup cost 5 sickles. The black statue cost more than the pink statue. The blue statue, at 7 sickles, cost the most.
4. The black statue cost either 5 or 6 sickles. The tebo, the 4 sickle statue, and the statue Scarlet bought are three different items.
5. Of the statue Scarlet bought and the one which cost 5 sickles, one was the clabbert and the other was purple.

Send me your answer in a Dungeon PM titled: Puzzle - Statues

10 scales (December 2019)

This puzzle has been solved by:

Will Lestrange 5 scales (December 2019)

Professor Scarlet Leslie-Lewis 5 scales (January 2020)


For convenience,  I'm providing the grid I used.


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The Charms and Transfiguration teachers got together and decided to have a practical magic 'cookery' class. Assigning 5 different students to speak about 5 different ingredients, they told the students the order in which they'd appear, and told them to come up with stuff to say about their ingredients, and saying what is magic about them. Who are the students, what was their ingredient, in what order do they appear and how long did each talk about their subject?

1. Hermione did her talk immediately before Fred did his. Cedric did not do his topic fifth. The talk on strawberries was 10 minutes long.
2. The talk about strawberries was 2 places after Hermione's talk. The fourth talk was either 7 minutes or 12 minutes long.
3. The first talk wasn't about custard. Neville's talk, the fourth talk and the 12 minute talk are all different. Katie's talk was not about chocolate.
4. Of the fourth talk and the fifth talk, one was about vanilla and the other was 8 minutes long.
5. Neville's talk wasn't fifth. The 12 minute talk was about cream. Hermione's talk was 14 minutes long.

Send me your answer in a Dungeon PM titled: Puzzle - Magic Cookery

10 scales (December 2019)

This puzzle has been solved by:

Will Lestrange 5 scales (December 2019)

Adaleine Shuster 5 scales (December 2019)

Emma Borg 5 scales (December 2019)

Professor Scarlet Leslie-Lewis 5 scales (January 2020)

Elena Galatas 5 scales (March 2020)

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Here are two puzzles that I used for my Seeking Fundamentals class this past term.

Five friends love traveling the world and going to escape rooms together.  
From the information provided, determine the theme of each friend's favorite escape room, in which city the room was located (one was Oslo), and how long it took them to escape (they were in a room for 70 minutes).

1. Hazel liked the escape room in Melbourne, while Oliver liked the escape room with the tomb theme. It took 60 minutes to escape the room in Casablanca.
2. The group's fastest escape was 30 minutes, which was Mason's favorite escape room, but it wasn't jungle themed. The 40 minute escape was from a room with a time warp theme.
3. They escaped Theo's favorite room 20 minutes faster than the one with a bank vault theme.
4. It took 10 minutes longer to escape Charlotte's favorite room than the one in Buenos Aires.
5. The submarine themed escape room was in Amsterdam. 80 minutes was the longest time spent in a room.

10 scales (January 2020)

Send me the solution via Dungeons PM with the subject: Escape Room Logic Puzzle

Solved by:
Will Lestrange 5 scales (January 2020)
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black 5 scales (January 2020)
Arianna Stonewater 5 scales (January 2020)


The European Quidditch League is holding its annual prospects games, and five former Hogwarts players were invited to attend.
During the event, each of the five players wore a different color of robe, with each of them wearing a different number on their back (1,7,13,19 or 25).
At the end of the event, each of these players received an offer to be a reserve member for a different team (one of which were the Appleby Arrows).
From the information provided, determine the player (Three boys - Zacharias, Miles, and Dean, and two girls - Cho and Alicia), the number they wore, the color of their Quidditch robes, as well as the team that approached them at the end.

1. Miles was wearing number 25. The player wearing number 19 was not offered a reserve position from the Chudley Cannons. Alicia was wearing robes of powder blue.
2. The player wearing emerald green robes is neither Zacharias nor Cho (these two players were not wearing robes of crimson red either).
3. The player wearing robes of shocking pink was not approached by the Falmouth Falcons (who also didn't approach Cho). The player wearing the number 1 was female.
4. The player who got an offer from Puddlemere United was wearing a number higher than the one Zacharias was wearing, but lower than the player who was wearing canary yellow robes.
5. The player who was offered a reserve spot for the Wigtown Wanderers was wearing a number at least twelve less than the player who was wearing robes of crimson red (who was not wearing the number 25).

10 scales (January 2020)

Send me the solution via Dungeons PM with the subject: Prospects Logic Puzzle

Solved by:
Will Lestrange 5 scales (January 2020)
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black 5 scales (January 2020)
Mia Fountain 5 scales (January 2020)
February Fortescue 5 scales (January 2020)

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  • 1 month later...

As part of their Muggle Studies class, 5 Hogwarts students were asked to spend their summer on a muggle farm, raising animals to show at the county fair! In class, each student gave a presentation in a different month (September through January) about the animal they raised. Determine the student, the month they gave their presentation, the animal species they raised, and their animal's name!

1. Will's presentation was 1 month before the one about Biscuit. The presentation in December is either about Tulip or Clover.
2. The presentation about the chicken was 1 month before the goat. Cody's farm animal isn't named Pumpkin. One animal is named Honey.
3. Of the sheep and the animal named Pumpkin, one was presented in January and the other was presented in December. Arielle's animal isn't the pig.
4. Clover was in a presentation 1 month after the chicken. Neither the cow nor Will's animal is named Pumpkin.
5. Tarma presented in class 1 month before Will. Arielle's presentation wasn't in December. One student is Cosmo.

Send me your answer in a Dungeon PM titled: Puzzle - Muggle Studies

Solved  by: 
Prof. Arielle Lemoyne 
5 scales (March 2020) 
Prof. Jenny Lupin 
5 scales (March 2020)
Katelin Ross 5 scales (March 2020)
Emma Borg 5 scales (March 2020)
Will Lestrange 5 scales (March 2020)
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black 5 scales (March 2020)
Prof. Scarlet Leslie-Lewis 5 scales (March 2020)

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  • 2 months later...

To help search for the Emerald Cup, five Slytherins (one was Ashlee) decided to attempt Self-Transfiguration.
Other than unusual coloring, such as indigo, they were able to successfully transform themselves into aquatic creatures, including a seahorse.
Each person was able to stay in their aquatic forms for a different amount of time, ranging from 5 to 9 hours.

1. Opal loved her aquatic form and stayed in it the longest. The platypus was either emerald or orange.
2. The crimson creature kept their form one hour more than Justine. Neither the manta ray nor the jellyfish were lilac. 
3. Faye was in her aquatic form for two hours less than the emerald creature.
4. The orange creature was either the platypus or Daphne. The lobster kept their form for one hour less than Faye.
5. Between the platypus and Opal, one was emerald and the other was lilac. The one who kept their form for 7 hours wasn't the jellyfish.

Send me the solution via Dungeons PM with the subject: Emerald Cup Self-Transfiguration

Solved by:
Will Lestrange  (Emerald Cup 2020)
Cody Lewis (Emerald Cup 2020)
Prof. Amy Lupin (Emerald Cup 2020)
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black (Emerald Cup 2020)
February Fortescue (Emerald Cup 2020)
Elena Galatas (Emerald Cup 2020)
Mia Fountain (Emerald Cup 2020)

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Five shells washed up on the grounds of the Hogwarts Castle during the first five months of the calendar year (January-May)!
Each shell was a different type (one was a monk's fin), was coloured in a different colour (one shell was pink) and originated from a different island (including Grenada).  
Match each shell with its month of discovery, colour, and originating island!

1. The seashell found in Saint Lucia is black.
2. Of the seashell found in April and the white seashell, one was found in Tobago and the other is the baby's ear. 
3. The five shells are the seashell found in Jamaica, the spotted key shell, the coquina shell, the seashell found in April, and the baby's ear shell.  The honey cerith shell was found one month after the brown shell.
4. Of the shell found in Martinique and the blue shell, one was found in April and the other is the spotted key.
5. The shell found in March was found in Saint Lucia.

Send me the solution via Dungeons PM with the subject:  Shells Logic Puzzle

10 scales (June 2020)


Adaleine Shuster 5 scales (June 2020)

Elena Galatas 5 scales (June 2020)

Prof. Scarlet Leslie-Lewis 5 scales (June 2020)

Prof. Tarma Amelia Black 5 scales (June 2020)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Five Magizoologists agreed to help prepare everyone for the Emerald Cup search in the Great Lake.
In addition to excellent tips, each Magizoologist also shared a personal anecdote involving a magical creature during an aquatic activity, such as scuba diving.
The stories lasted from 5 to 25 minutes.

1. Eugene shared a fishing story, which didn't involve a Lobalug. Sandy's story was 10 minutes longer than the Murtlap story. The Grindylow story was either 20 minutes long or told by Sandy.
2. The Murtlap story was 5 minutes shorter than the Lobalug story. The longest story wasn't about the Mackled Malaclaw.
3. Gary (not Pearl) told the shortest story. Neither the Grindylow story nor the Hippocampus story were 15 minutes long. The kayaking story wasn't 25 minutes long. 
4. The fishing story was longer than the snorkeling story. Patrick's story was 5 minutes longer than the paddle boarding one.
5. Of the paddle boarding story and Eugene's story, one was 20 minutes long and the other lasted 5 minutes. Sandy has never been snorkeling. 

Send me the solution via Dungeons PM with the subject: Emerald Cup Creature Stories

Solved by:
Will Lestrange  (Emerald Cup 2020)
Cody Lewis (Emerald Cup 2020)
Adaleine Shuster (Emerald Cup 2020)
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black (Emerald Cup 2020)
Mia Fountain (Emerald Cup 2020)
February Fortescue (Emerald Cup 2020)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Five different communities in the Great Lake were grateful for our assistance in rebuilding.
Each community was at a different depth (from 2-10 meters) and required the use of different building materials.
To thank us for our help, each community gave us a unique treasure (including a sceptre) to add to the collection in the Dungeons.

1. The necklace was a gift for building with granite, not basalt. The Kappa community is located two meters deeper than the one rebuilt with jasper.
2. The dagger wasn't acquired at the 6 meter location. Mudstone was used to build either the Kappa or Shrake community.
3. Agate was used for building at 6 meters. The necklace was acquired at a location two meters deeper than the Sprite community.
4. The Kelpie community didn't gift the pocket watch. The mirror was from a location four meters deeper than the Kappa community.
5. The Flying Seahorse community is located four meters deeper than the one that gave the necklace. The dagger wasn't given at the 2 meter location.

Send me the solution via Dungeons PM with the subject: Emerald Cup Rebuilding

Solved by:
Will Lestrange  (Emerald Cup 2020)
Cody Lewis  (Emerald Cup 2020)
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black  (Emerald Cup 2020)
Aurelia West 5 scales (February 2021)

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  • 11 months later...

For their Care of Magical Creatures class, five students were required to submit a final assignment on a creature of their choosing. They were able to choose how they would present the information, as well. Using the clues below, which student chose what magical creature for their assignment, in what format, and what grade did they receive? 

Send me the solution via Dungeon PM with the subject line: Magical Creature Assignment Logic Puzzle 


1. The five students were Jacob, the student who researched Nifflers, Harper, the student who gave the oral report, and the student who received Exceeds Expectations.

2. Lucy wrote a play for her assignment, but not on Hippogriffs. The essay and the poem received neither Poor nor Dreadful grades.

3. Of Caleb and the student who researched Bowtruckles, one received Acceptable and the other wrote a poem.

4. The painting of a Fwooper did not receive Outstanding. The oral report on Thestrals was not done by Aubrey.

5. The assignment that received Outstanding was neither Lucy’s nor the poem. Jacob painted for his assignment, which received a Dreadful grade.

6. Of Caleb and the student who researched Hippogriffs, one received Acceptable and the other wrote an essay.

10 scales (June 2021)

Solved by:

Prof. Scarlet Leslie-Lewis  5 scales (June 2021)

Prof. Will Lestrange  5 scales (June 2021)

Prof. Tarma Amelia Black 5 scales (June 2021)


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The Court Scribe has to step out unexpectedly and asks you to fill in for the next five witnesses. 
You hastily write down everything, but the notes are all jumbled.
Make sure you can sort out the details before the trial is over!
Figure out the order in which the witnesses testified, how long they were on the stand, and the location where they saw the guilty party.

1. Silvana wasn't the last person to testify. The one who spoke for 12 minutes saw someone in the Dungeons. Hannah was on the stand for 13 minutes.
2. Hannah testified immediately before Maeve. Lorainia wasn't the fifth witness called. The Kitchens was mentioned in the 9-minute testimony.
3. Of the fourth and fifth witnesses, one was on the stand for 8 minutes and the other was talking about the Astronomy Tower.
4. The first witness didn't mention the Great Lake. Silvana, the fourth witness, and the one on the stand for 12 minutes were all different people. Aurelia wasn't in the Entrance Hall.
5. The testimony about the Kitchens was two people after Hannah. The fourth witness was on the stand for either 7 minutes or 12 minutes.   

Send me the solution via Dungeons PM with the subject: Emerald Cup Witnesses

Solved by:
Prof. Will Lestrange (Emerald Cup 2021)
Aurelia West (Emerald Cup 2021)
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black (Emerald Cup 2021)

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During a brief recess, five members of the jury decided to have a snack.
Each person was a different age and selected a different sweet.
Most of the jury members have already made up their mind about the guilty party (Basil or Brabas), but one is still undecided.
From the information provided, determine the age of each juror, which snack they ate, and who they think is guilty.

1. The oldest juror is 52 years old and did not have the Liquorice Wand. Ms. Sully didn't have a Sugar Quill.
2. Mr. Orion is younger than the male juror who believes Brabas is guilty. The 45 year old didn't have the Chocolate Cauldron or the Liquorice Wand.
3. Of Ms. Dragonfly and Ms. Sully, one is the youngest juror of the five and the other believes Brabas is guilty. The 38 year old juror who had Fizzing Whizzbees is male.
4. The youngest juror is half the age of the oldest - they are also not the same gender. Mr. Mandrake is not the undecided jury member.
5. The five jurors are Ms. Roderick, the one who had a Sugar Quill, the two who believe Basil is guilty, and the 52 year old. The female juror who had Cockroach Clusters is five years older than the youngest juror. 

Send me the solution via Dungeons PM with the subject: Emerald Cup Jurors

Solved by:
Prof. Will Lestrange (Emerald Cup 2021)
Aurelia West (Emerald Cup 2021)
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black (Emerald Cup 2021)
Cody Lewis (Emerald Cup 2021)

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