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Sirithre Leylnn

Slytherin Student
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About Sirithre Leylnn

  • Birthday May 4

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Wolf Snake

Wolf Snake (6/11)

  1. Miss you Siri, sorry I went straight AWOL. If you get this, message me! xx

  2. I'm thankful I met you guys, and spent a busy year+ with you all. Even though I haven't been active at all this year, I miss you all!

  3. Miss you guys!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Prof. Daphne Marin-Booth
    3. Sirithre Leylnn

      Sirithre Leylnn

      Just dropped by to update the class website list. xD New term, new classes~!

    4. Rayne Devereaux
  4. These last few months have kicked my butt. I'm super behind on... everything. And I need your help. I've posted in the staff board... but if ANYONE is interested in helping with the Serpentimes (Especially if you're familiar with WordPress, though that can be taught), please contact me!

    1. Bellatrix Rose

      Bellatrix Rose

      I can help if you need... :)


  5. These last few months have kicked my butt. I'm super behind on... everything. And I need your help. I've posted in the staff board... but if ANYONE is interested in helping with the Serpentimes (Especially if you're familiar with WordPress, though that can be taught), please contact me!

  6. I'd like to remind you all to get to writing some articles for the Serpentimes! I can't just keep handing out points to Hufflepuff all the time. =P I better see some more snakes submitting these next few months!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sirithre Leylnn

      Sirithre Leylnn

      I can, yes. And I will as long as they're sending in articles. But it would be nice to get some variety in authors. Maybe a gryff or two? Honestly as long as we're getting content, I'm happy. :3

    3. Vera Prince

      Vera Prince

      Hmmm... I'm considering doing a graphic Siri... what kind of thing would you like?

    4. Sirithre Leylnn

      Sirithre Leylnn

      I have no idea! you guys aren't the only ones who have trouble coming up with article/graphic ideas, you know. =P lol. If you get that skyward sword review done, you could include a nifty graphic as a header for the article! :)

  7. Hmm.. should I teach parseltongue again this term? Do I have time to grade/keep up with everything myself? Hmmm.... Decisions.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Sirithre Leylnn

      Sirithre Leylnn

      Any assistant I take would have to take the class first. :3 So I can make sure they understand the grammar before grading papers. ;)

    3. Sirithre Leylnn

      Sirithre Leylnn

      Or at least pass the test...

    4. Vera Prince

      Vera Prince

      Haha, I could do that xDD Oh, grammar, what a horrible-yet-useful-and-wonderful thing you are~

  8. Whoah, when did Hufflepuff catch back up? o.o Get to it, snakes! Library/Art projects; The Scribbler, submit to ALL the newspapers, etc!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aurelia West

      Aurelia West

      Done Scribbler and library projects. I have no idea how to do art... I'll try later when I have time.

    3. Prof. Zoki Phantom

      Prof. Zoki Phantom

      As if we wouldn't catch up. :p:D

    4. Alexander Greb

      Alexander Greb

      *buries Zoki in snow*. I dont think they'll ever find him in the Dungeons :)

  9. Current Library Project is due within the week! :) Make sure you're taking advantage of all these points opportunities!

    1. Rayne Devereaux

      Rayne Devereaux

      so... rosemarie and I have some ideas for the serpentimes :3

    2. Justine Provençal
    3. Aurelia West

      Aurelia West

      I promise to write for the next issue of the Serpentimes. I didn't have enough time to figure out what to write. Maybe this time I'll come up with something *hopefully*

  10. So far, no snakes have submitted to the Serpentimes this month. You've got a few days left to sneak in a November article, but I better see more from you guys next month. Slythmas is our month!

    1. Aurelia West

      Aurelia West

      I'm planning to submit something, but I have nothing to write about. Well no ideas anyways...

  11. I may be all but absent for a few days.. Skyrim is awesome. :3

  12. Soooo... we're a week into November. Why haven't you submitted to the Serpentimes yet? ;)

  13. Congrats on the Beans Lottery, Bianca!!!

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